JSC Result 2019

23 Min Read

JSC Result 2019 www.educationboardresults.gov.bd will be found on my website. JSC and JDC Result 2019 may be published 30th December 2019. Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) Exam are conducted by eight public education boards, one Madrasah education board, and one Technical education board.

JSC Result 2019

JSC Exam 2019 held on 2nd November 2019 and continues up to 11th November 2019. JSC exam 2019 from the beginning will start Bengali 1st paper. Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) Examination starts at the same time. The JSC exams started at 10 am on Tuesday with the candidates taking Bangla first paper tests. The JDC candidates were taking the test for Quran Majid and Tamjid.

Most Welcome to visit my website for JSC and Result 2019 all education boards. Dear JSC and JDC Candidates, Greeting from us for getting the latest Update about JSC and JDC Exam Result 2019 under the Education Board Bangladesh. JSC exam result is very important for all Examine to know the Result Publish date and Education Board Provide all Update Notice for JSC exam related. My site is providing the Necessary information and Data about the Desire topic about the JSC exam result purpose. Just stay with us with some of the valuable times and know more from the below all necessary information accordingly. JSC Result of 2019.

If you want to save your Precious times, we have divided the post part by part. So, Read the exact part which you may want to read or currently to look at.

  JSC Result Will be Published 30th December 2019

JSC Update Result 2019 

JSC JDC Exam Result 2019

JSC Scholarship Result 2019 also published my site after JSC Result 2019 is easy to get your JSC Scholarship Result 2019. For the Junior School Certificate examination students, they can now download their results using their mobile. If you want to gets your result via your Mobile Phone. SMS Method is very easy to get fast Junior School Certificate JSC Result 2019. Then, please follow the following steps:

JSC <space> DHA <space> Roll Number Now Send to 16222

So, it will like this one, JSC DHA 134839

You can Send SMS from any Operator (Grameen Phone, Teletalk, Banglalink, Airtel) to get

JSC Details Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 By SMS method

For the Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examination students, they can now easily download their results using their mobile. Students or their guardians can download students JDC Result 2019 Bangladesh using their mobile phone. If you want to gets your result via your Mobile Phone. To get Junior Dakhil Examination JDC and JSC Exam Result 2019 method goes the same to the JSC Result 2019. Then, please follow the following steps:

JDC <space> MAD <space> Roll Number and Send to 16222

So, it will like this one, JDC MAD 13345

You can Send SMS from any Operator (Grameen Phone, Teletalk, Banglalink, Airtel) to get

JSC Results 2019 For Dhaka Education Board

JSC <space> DHA (1st Three Letters of Dhaka Education Board Name) <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2019 and send to 16222 from any Number.

JSC Result 2019 For Sylhet Education Board

JSC <space> SYL (1st Three Letters of Sylhet Education Board Name) <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2019 and send to 16222 from any Number.

JSC Result 2019 For Dinajpur Education Board

JSC <space> DIN (1st Three Letters of Dinajpur Education Board Name) <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2019 and send to 16222 from any Number.

JSC Result 2019 For Rajshahi Education Board

JSC <space> RAJ (1st Three Letters of Rajshahi Education Board Name) <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2019 and send to 16222 from any Number.

JSC Result 2019 For Chittagong Education Board

JSC <space> CHI (1st Three Letters of Chittagong Education Board Name) <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2019 and send to 16222 from any Number.

JSC Result 2019 For Comilla Education Board

JSC <space> COM (1st Three Letters of Comilla Education Board Name) <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2019 and send to 16222 from any Number.

JSC Result 2019 For Jessore Education Board

JSC <space> JES (1st Three Letters of Jessore Education Board Name) <space> Your Roll Number <space> 2019 and send to 16222 from any Number.

You can Send SMS from any Operator (Grameen Phone, Teletalk, Banglalink, Airtel) to get

JSC and JDC Check Result Procedure by Online process

If you want to know about JSC and JDC result check then you browse result related websites such as Dhaka education board. There are websites from which students can find their JSC/JDC results online and both methods are given below for your reference. Do check the process and follow the same if you want to check JSC and JDC results online.


Step-1: Open the browser and go to educationboardresults.gov.bd or any education board

Step-2: Select Examination JSC/JDC

Step-3: Choose Year 2019

Step-4: Select Board as the name of your education board. For Example: If your education board is Dhaka, choose Dhaka from the list

Step-5: Put your Roll Number

Step-6: Give your Reg. Number

Step-7: Fill up the box with the variable number [It will be like 5+4=9]

Step-8: Press the Submit button

Step-9: Check JSC Results 2019 / JSC Mark sheet 2019


Step-1: Go to http://eboardresults.com/ in the browser

Step-2: Click on SSC/HSC/JSC/Equivalent Result button

Step-3: Choose JSC/JDC in Examination

Step-4: Pick Year 2019

Step-5: Choose Board relevant to you

Step-6: Select Result Type as “Individual” if it is an individual result

Step-7: Give your Roll Number

Step-8: Enter Registration and it is optional that means you can give the registration number or else not.

Step-9: Enter Security Key in the field given there (For Ex: gmoim12)

Step-10: Click on “Get Result” button finally

Step-11: JSC / JDC result 2019 will be display

Calculation JSC Grading System 2019

Bangladesh’s education system is a new concept result calculation grading process. The grading system or GPA system has been implemented in Bangladesh for issuing the various public examination results in the country like PSC/JSC/SSC/HSC/Equivalent exam results. Before the division system is used to give the result to the students.

Through the grading system, the subject wise grades and grade points are given to students in the result along with the overall GPA without revealing the marks. The system is implemented to help the students to decrease their tension in checking the exam result. The below table shows the JSC Result grading system in Bangladesh. Through the below GPA system, the JSC result will be given to the students.

Marks Range

Letter Grade

Grade Points

80 to 100



70 to 79



60 to 69



50 to 59



40 to 49



33 to 39



0 to 32



JSC Exam Result 2019 Bangladesh

JSC Exam Result 2019 will be published on the same dates throughout Bangladesh all public education boards. At the same time, my website also publishes the JSC and JDC Exam Result 2019. So keep eye on this site to get your Junior School Certificate (JSC) Exam Result 2019. I hope my site always updates to every moment.

You can get all education purpose updates news and update job circular. My website is so faster than other websites. So you can get the JSC Exam Result 2019 will be found fast. As soon as junior scholarship examinations result when published then it will be updated here. Keep eye on this site to get a junior scholarship examination result. JSC Result 2019/

For JSC Result 2019 of All Board First 3 Letters Click Here

JSC Exam Result 2019 Dhaka Board-DHA

JSC Exam Result 2019 Comilla Board-COM

JSC Exam Result 2019 Rajshahi Board-RAJ

JSC Exam Result 2019 Jessore Board-JES

JSC Exam Result 2019 Chittagong Board-CHI

JSC Exam Result 2019 Barisal Board-BAR

JSC Exam Result 2019 Sylhet Board-SYL

JSC Exam Result 2019 Dinajpur Board-DIN

JDC Exam Result 2019 Madrasah Board-MAD

Dhaka Education Board JSC Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 Bangladesh will be published on 30th December 2019. Dhaka Education Board is one of the large public educations in Bangladesh. Dhaka Education Board JSC Result 2019 will be published may be 30th December 2019. Dhaka Education Board JSC Result 2019 you can also found my website. JSC Result 2019 Dhaka Education Board with a full mark sheet will be found on this website. JSC Exam Result 2019 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Board Dhaka also published the Dhaka Education Board. Dhaka Education Board JSC Result 2019 also published the official website. Dhaka Board JSC Exam Result will be published here on 30th December 2019.

Official website: http://dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd/

Chittagong Education Board JSC Result 2019

Chittagong Education Board is the second largest education board in Bangladesh. Chittagong education board JSC result 2019 will be published may be 30th December 2019. Chittagong education board JSC Result 2019 also found my website. Chittagong Education board will be published all schools under the Chittagong education board on their official website. In the meantime the whole school of Chittagong education board they have also published their own website and also my website.

Official website: www.bise-ctg.gov.bd/result/ssc

Rajshahi Education Board JSC Result 2019

Rajshahi Education Board is one of the third largest public educations boards in Bangladesh. Rajshahi education board JSC Result 2019 will be published 30th December 2019. The interested candidates of the JSC examiner will be checking JSC results from 2019 on their official website. So those who are the candidate of JSC you must visit the Rajshahi education board website. In the meantime the whole school of Rajshahi education board they have also published their own website.

Official website: rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd

Jessore Education Board JSC Result 2019

Jessore Education Board is an old education board in Bangladesh. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Jessore, Bangladesh was established for the Khulna division. Jessore Education Board is a very popular education board in Bangladesh. Jessore Education Board all public result is very increasing day by day. Jessore education board JSC Result 2019 will be published 30th December 2019. Jessore education board under all school at the same time publish JSC result 2019 their official website.

Official website: www.jessoreboard.gov.bd/result/

Comilla Education Board JSC Result 2019

Comilla education board is four old public education boards in Bangladesh. The last two year Comilla education board SSC result is not achieved a good result. Comilla education board last year SSC result pass rate of 71 %. Comilla education board JSC Result 2019 will be published 30th December 2019. If you are the JSC candidates then you can visit the Comilla education board official website. Comilla Education board have already published all school under Comilla board their website. 

Official website: www.comillaboard.gov.bd/result/ssc

Sylhet Education Board JSC Result 2019

Sylhet education board JSC Result is not bad. Sylhet education board SSC result is day by day increase. Sylhet education board SSC result 2019 will be published 30th December 2019. Now you can visit the Sylhet education board and get JSC Result 2019 this website. Sylhet Education board also the whole school of Sylhet education board is found JSC Result this website. 

Official website: result.sylhetboard.gov.bd/ssc/mark.php

Barisal Education Board JSC Result 2019

The Barisal education board is a newly set up public education board in Bangladesh. Previously Barisal education boards are functionally Jessore education boards. Barisal education boards JSC Result are not bad. The Barisal education board JSC result 2019 will be published 30th December 2019. So you can visit the Barisal education board to collect JSC Result 2019.

Official website: www.barisalboard.gov.bd

Dinajpur Education Board JSC Result 2019

JSC Result 2019 Bangladesh will be published on 30th December 2019. Dinajpur Education Board is newly education board in Bangladesh. Dinajpur Education Board JSC Result is not bad. Dinajpur Education Board JSC Result is day by day increase. Dinajpur Education Board JSC Result 2019 will be published on 30th December 2019. So you can visit the Dinajpur education board to collect JSC Result 2019.

Official website: www.dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd

Madrasah Education Board SSC Result 2019

Bangladesh Education Board is only one Arabic education sector in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Education Board is a religious subject teaching in this education board. Bangladesh Education Board is conducted by Junior Dakhil Exam, Dakhil Exam, Alim Exam related all performance take care.

JDC Result 2019 bmeb.gov.bd will be found on my website. JDC Result 2019 bmeb.gov.bd may be published 30th December 2019. Junior Dakhil Certificate means JDC Exam Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board said Dakhil Examinations Dakhil exam conducted by Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board.

Official website: www.bteb.gov.bd

JSC Suggestion Download 2019

JSC Exam Result 2019 will be published on 30th December 2019. Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) exams begin today on Saturday 2019 at 10.00 am. This year total JSC and JDC candidates are 27 lakhs, 70 thousand 333 people, in the two examinations. Total boys candidates are of these 15 lakh 46 thousand 601 students and girls candidates are 12 lakh, 23 thousand 73 students. Students from 29,677 institutions in the country will take part in these two examinations.

Dhaka Education Board’s test controller Tapan Kumar Sarkar said on Wednesday that all the preparations for the test were completed. Tapan Kumar Sarkar said, in the message written to the concerned union secretary, 25 minutes before the start of the test, a test question paper will be examined. Then the question paper will be opened.

This rule was introduced at the end of the last SSC examination and the beginning of the last HSC examination to prevent the leak of question papers.

Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) Exam 2019 held on 2nd November 2019 and continue up to 11th November 2019. JSC exam result will be published on 30th December 2019. The last three years’ JSC exam result was published 24th December. But this year JSC exam result 2019 date not yet has been fixed. Maybe the JSC exam result 2019 will not be published 30th December 2019.

So I hope this year’s Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) exam result will be published 30th December 2019.

JSC Exam Result 2019 will be published on 30th December 2019. Welcome to visit my website for JSC and Result 2019 of the Dhaka Board. Dear JSC and JDC Candidates, Greeting from us for getting the latest Update about JSC and JDC Exam Result 2019 under the Education Board Bangladesh. It is very important for all Examine to know the Result Publish date and Education Board Provide all Update Notice for JSC exam related.

My website is providing the Necessary information and Data about the Desire topic about the JSC exam result purpose. Just stay with us with some of the valuable times and know more from the below all necessary information accordingly. JSC Exam Result 2019 Dhaka Board is a very popular result in Bangladesh.

You need to Visit the Trusted and Spam Free Site to check your Result. Point to be noted here that, the entire site available on the Search Results, they are unable to provide you any Result. So, Directly Visit the Education Board Bangladesh Official Result Portal. Then, follow the below info and check your JSC Exam Result Dhaka Board Fast from the Internet. Then you put your JSC Roll, Dhaka Board name select, and you fill up a dialog box (Example 5+ 10= 15), lastly you click submit. Then you get your JSC Result 2019

Every student wants to get at the fast result from the internet It’s is the Common question on the current trends that how can I check my JSC result from the Internet very fast. Everyone wants to check their Result Quickly from others. Proper concept Require Checking the Public Exam Result very Soon at all. Then follow my instruction first, open your Internet Browser after turn on the Data Connection.

Then, Visit any Search Engine which you may use. Then type, “JSC Result 2019” in the Search Box and press Enter or Click on the Search button. While you will search with the keyword, you will look at a large number of search results about this Keyword.

You need to Visit the Trusted and Spam Free Site to check your Result. Point to be noted here that, the entire site available on the Search Results, they are unable to provide you any Result. So, Directly Visit the Education Board Bangladesh Official Result Portal. Then, follow the below info and check Your JSC Exam Result Fast from the Internet. Then you put your JSC Roll, Education board name selected, and you fill-up the dialog box (Example 5+ 10= 15), lastly, you click submit. Then you get your JSC Result 2019.

JSC Exam Result 2019  

JSC Scholarship Result 2019 also published my site after JSC Result 2019 is easy to get your JSC Scholarship Result 2019. For the Junior School Certificate examination students, they can now download their results using their mobile. If you want to gets your result via your Mobile Phone. SMS Method is very easy to get fast Junior School Certificate JSC Result 2019.

The Junior School Certificate in short known as JSC is a public examination conducted by eight education boards in Bangladesh and one Madrasah board, one technical education board. JSC is a benchmark education qualification, any students who qualified JSC exam in Bangladesh they known as 8th class pass student. It is followed by the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) in Bangladesh. Many students are doing better in this exam so you can visit this site JSC all subjects’ short suggestions 2019.

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