Chittagong University Admission Result 2018-19

Chittagong University Admission Result 2018-19. Chittagong University Admission Result 2018-19 of all units are available on this website. Chittagong University (CU) Admission Test for 2018-19 sessions is going on. Chittagong University admission test 2018-19 of the different unit will be held on the spear at day. Chittagong University for the session 2018-19 for undergraduate honors students’ admission test will be started from 27th October (Saturday) 2018.

Chittagong University Admission Result 2018-19

Chittagong University Admission will be continued up to 31st October (Wednesday) 2018. Chittagong University Admission test result 2018-19 will be published very soon. The admission test of Chittagong University for undergraduate honors students for the session 2018-19 will be held under seven units- unit A, B, C, D, E, F & G.


Download CU Admission Result 2018

Chittagong University Admission Result 2018-19

Chittagong University Admission Notice 2018-19


Chittagong University Admission Notice 2018-19

Download CU Admission Notice 2018-19

Chittagong can be reached from the capital city of Dhaka by air, train, and road. The most pleasant time for traveling to Chittagong is between August and early March as it can be very humid and wet from April to July due to torrid summer days and heavy monsoon rains.

Chittagong University was a growing demand for a public university among the people of this region in which various modern academic disciplines would be set up in order to develop skilled and knowledgeable human resources. After Complete Application for Chittagong University Admission applicant student must download they are admitted card for admission test exam.

Check CU Admission Result 2018-19 through Mobile SMS

CU [Space] HSC Board [Space] HSC Roll[Space] HSC Year [Space] SSC Board [Space] SSC Roll [Space] SSC year [Space] Unit and Send It to 16222 Number from a Prepaid Teletalk Mobile Phone

Example: CU R A 40165 and Send to 9934

Chittagong University Admission Result 2018-19

Chittagong University Admission applicant student must download they are admitted card for admission test exam. All are applicants download admit card by using a color photo and signature. Photo size should be 300×300 Pxl and signature size 300×80. The applicant will have to visit site.

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