Download Good Recruitment Policy Part- II

Download Good Recruitment Policy. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. It is often termed “positive” in that its objective is to increase the selection ratio, the number of applicants per job opening. Or recruiting is the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. Or from another perspective, it is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

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School, Colleges & Universities:  Educational instructions at all levels offer opportunities for recruiting recent graduates. Most educational institutions operate placement services where prospective employers can review credentials and interview graduates. Most also provide employers the opportunity to witness a “prospective employee’s” performance through co-operative arrangements and internships.

Whether the educational level required for the job involves a high-school diploma, specific vocational training, or a college background with a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree, educational institutes are an excellent source of potential employees.

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Professional Organization: Many professional organizations, including labor unions, operate placement services for the benefit of their members. Professional organizations include such varied occupations as industrial engineering, psychology, accounting, legal, and academics. Download Good Recruitment Policy

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These organizations publish rosters of job vacancies and distribute these lists to members. Recruitment Policy also common practice to provide placement facilities at the regional and national meetings where individuals looking for employment and companies looking for employees can find each other-building a network of employment opportunities.

Cyberspace Recruiting: One of the newer arenas for locating resumes of qualified employees is looking on the internet. Companies like Eli Lilly,, Grolier Electronic Publishing, Wells Fargo Bank, Fidelity Investments, General Electric, Levi Strauss, Bristol Technology, and Cisco Systems have found the use of the World-Wide-Web advantageous in filling their positions. Download Good Recruitment Policy

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Unsolicited Applicants: Unsolicited applicants, whether they reach the employer by letter, telephone, or in person, constitute a source of prospective applicants. Although the number of unsolicited applicants depends on economic conditions, the organization’s image, and the job seeker’s perception of the types of jobs that might be available, this source does provide an excellent supply of stockpiled applicants. Even if there are no particular openings when the applicant contacts the organization, the applications can be kept on file for later needs.

Unsolicited applications made by unemployed individuals, however, generally have a short life, those individuals who have adequate skills and who would be prime candidates for a position in the organization if a position were currently available usually find employment with some other organization that does have an opening. However, in times of economic stagnation, excellent prospects are often unable to locate the types of jobs they desire and may stay actively looking in the job market for many months.

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Good Recruitment Policy Writing

Overview of Recruitment Process: Presents an overview of the recruitment process from the perspective of the organization and the candidate. This flow chart displays the process as it unfolds over time. When a vacancy occurs and the recruiter receives permission to fill it, the next step is a careful examination of the job and an enumeration to fill it, the next step is a careful examination of the job and an enumeration of the skills, abilities, and experience needed to perform the job successfully.

Existing job analysis documents can be very helpful in this regard. In addition, the recruitment planner must consider other aspects of the job environment – for example, the supervisor’s management style, the opportunities for advancement, pay, and geographical location- in deciding what type of candidate to search for and what search methods to use. After carefully planning the recruiting effort, the recruiter utilizes one or more methods to produce a pool of potential candidates.

Good Recruitment Process Writing

A firm can generate candidates internally, from among its present employees who desire promotion or transfer, or externally, from the labor market. The organization then screens. Throughout the recruitment process, the organization attempts to “sell” itself to the more promising candidates – that is, to convince them that the organization is a good place to work and that it offers what they want in the way of both tangible and intangible rewards.

Candidates searching for an employer go through a parallel set of activities – first acquiring occupational skills and experience; next, searching for job openings through a variety of methods; and then applying for jobs that appear to be a suitable match for their qualifications. As the process continues, applicants attempt to “sell” organizations on their abilities, while at the same time collecting information that allows them to evaluate the companies and the jobs. Eventually, they decide to accept or reject job offers.

Good Recruitment Policy Writing


  1. a) Vacant of new position occurs
  2. b) Perform job analysis and plan to recruit effort
  3. c) General applicant pool via internal or external recruiting methods
  4. d) Evaluate applicants via the selection process
  5. e) Impress applicants
  6. f) Makeover


  1. a) Received education and chose occupation occurs
  2. b) Acquire employment experience
  3. c) Search for the job opening
  4. d) Apply for jobs
  5. e) Impress company during the selection process
  6. f) Evaluate jobs and companies
  7. g) Accept or reject job offers.

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Download Recruitment Process Writing

In the recruitment and selection process, the organization’s and individual’s objectives may conflict. The organization is trying to evaluate the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, but the candidate is trying to present only strengths. Conversely, although the candidate is trying to ferret out both the good and the bad aspects of the prospective job and employer, the organization may prefer to reveal only positive aspects. In addition, each party’s own objectives may conflict.


The organization wants to treat the candidate well to increase the probability or job-offer acceptance, yet the need to evaluate the candidate may dictate the use of methods that alienate the prospect, such as background investigations or stress interviews. Analogously, the applicant wants to appear polite and enthusiastic about the organization to improve the probability of receiving an offer, but he or she may also want to ask penetrating questions about compensation, advancement, and the company’s financial health and future.

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