How to Good Apply Selection process

How to Good Apply Selection process. Selection in human resources planning we identified our personnel needs. Once these needs were established a job analysis was conducted, which clarified the characteristic of jobs being done and the individual qualities necessary to do these jobs successfully. This information was then used to recruit a pool of qualified applicants. We must now begin the process of thinning this set, which is one of the major objectives of selection. We want to assess our applicants against the criteria established in job analysis in order to predict which job applicants will be successful if hired.

How to Good Apply Selection process

All selection activities, from the initial screening interview to the physical examination if required, exist for the purpose of making effective selection decisions. Each activity is a step in the process that forms a predictive exercise- managerial decision-maker seeking to predict which job applicants will be successful if hired. Successful, in this case, means performing well on the criteria the organization uses to evaluate personnel. For a sales position, for example, the criteria should be able to predict which applicants will generate a high volume of sales; for a teaching position as a university professor, they should predict which applicants will get high student evaluations or generate many high-quality publications or both. How to Good Apply Selection process.

Selection is a process of measurement, decision making, and evaluation. The goal of a personnel selection system is to bring into an organization individuals who will perform well on the job. A good selection system must also be fair to minorities and other protected classes.

How to Good Apply Selection process

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To have an accurate and fair selection system, an organization must use reliable and valid measures of job applicant characteristics. In addition, a good selection system must include a means of combining information about applicant characteristics in a rational way and producing correct hire and no-hire decisions. A good personnel selection system should add to the overall effectiveness of the organization. 

Selection Process:  Selection activities typically follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final employment decision. The selection process typically consists of ten steps:

The following are the steps:

  1. a) Reception of applicant
  2. b) Preliminary Interview
  3. c) Application blank
  4. d) Employment tests
  5. e) Interview
  6. f) Investigation of the previous history
  7. g) Preliminary selection in the employment section
  8. h) Final selection by the line boss
  9. i) Physical examination
  10. j) Placement

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Reception of applicant: Usually the receptionist in the employment section is prepared to provide information about the company and the current job openings and to assist with the completion of application forms. Every effort should be made to treat the applicant in a sincere, helpful, and tactful manner at this and subsequent steps in the selection procedure. Similarly, the physical layout of the employment office would provide the applicant with the comfort and privacy that he deserves.

Preliminary Interview: The preliminary purpose of the preliminary interview is to screen out those who are obviously unqualified. If the employment policy of the company specifies that only men or women are to be hired for certain jobs or that individuals must be within a certain age range, these standards or criteria should be considered during the preliminary interview. How to Good Apply Selection process.

Application blank: Most companies ask the applicant to complete a blank that provides a place for him to record identifying data such as name, address, the job for which he is applying, and information covering education, work experience, etc.

Employment tests: If a review of the application blank reveals no information that would disqualify the candidates, he may then be given one or more tests of intelligence, aptitude, personality, etc.

How to Good Apply Selection process

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Interview: The individual who ‘passes’ the tests is then ready for a second interview, this interview is ordinarily for the purpose of verifying information provided on the application blank and for obtaining additional information that will be useful in assessing the candidate’s qualifications.

Investigation of the previous history: If the interviewer is satisfied that the applicant is potentially desirable, his previous employment and school history as he has described it on the application blank and in the interview may be investigated.

Preliminary selection in the employment section: At this point in the selection process, the employment section has completed the main steps in screening the applicant. If considered desirable, he is sent to a line department having a requisition on file for a person with his qualifications. If there are no openings, his name remains on a waiting list of desirable applicants from which selections may be made at a letter date.

Final selection by the line boss: The head of the requesting department makes the final selections in consultation with the personnel department from among those individuals who are referred to him by the employment office and advises of his preferences.

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Physical examination: The physical examination often comes at this point in the selection process because it may be one of the most costly steps and therefore should not be undertaken unless the candidate has qualified at the preceding steps. Furthermore, it is desirable to have the physical examination immediately prior to hiring in order that the individual’s physical condition at that time is known.

Placement: The applicant who passes all of the foregoing screening steps is assigned to a vacant position in a department where the manager or supervisor has interviewed and accepted him. At this point, orientation and training will begin.

Interviews: Whether we’re discussing initial screening interviews or comprehensive interviews, a common question arises: Are interviews effective for gathering accurate information from which selection decision can be made? The interview has proven to be an almost universal selection tool- one that can take a number of forms. They can revolve around a one-on-one encounter between the interviewer and the applicant (the traditional interview). Interviews can follow some predetermined pattern wherein both the questions and the questions and the expected responses are identified (a situational interview). Interviews can also be designed to create a difficult environment in which the applicant is “put to the test” to assess his or her confidence levels. These are frequently referred to as the stress interview.

Irrespective of how the interview is conducted, it is understood that few people get jobs without one or more interviews. This is extremely interesting given that the validity of the interview as a selection tool has been the subject of considerable debate. Let’s look at the research findings regarding interviews.

The effectiveness of interviews: Unfortunately for recruiters, interview situations aren’t always this cut and direct. Rather, many factors enter into the deliberation in determining if a candidate is a “good fit” for the organization. Although interviews are typically part of every job search process, summaries of research on interviewing have concluded that the reliability and validity of interviews are generally law. Despite its popularity, the interview is expensive, inefficient, and often not job-related.

How to Good Apply Selection process

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More specifically, a review of the research has generated the following conclusions:

  1. Prior knowledge about the applicant can bias the interviewer’s evaluation.
  2. The interviewer often holds a stereotype of what represents a “good” applicant.
  3. The interviewer often tends to favor applicants who share his or her own attitudes.
  4. The order in which applicants interviewed often influences evaluation.
  5. The order in which information is elicited influences evaluations.
  6. Negative information is given an unduly high weight.
  7. The interviewer may make a decision as to the applicant’s suitability in the first few minutes of the interview.
  8. The interviewer may forget much of the interview’s content within minutes after its conclusion.
  9. Structured and well-organized interviews are more reliable.
  10. The interview is most valid in determining an applicant’s organizational fit, level of motivation, and interpersonal skills.

How to Good Apply Selection process

 Types of the interview: Interviews may be classified under the following categories:

  1. Preliminary Interview
  2. Non-directive or free interview
  3. Group interview
  4. Board interview
  5. Stress interview
  6. Patterned interview
  7. Non-directive interview
  8. Exit interview

Becoming a more effective interview

The differences we have described many seem to cast a dark cloud over the interview. But the interview is far from worthless. It can help us to better assess the candidate, as well as be valuable for relaying information to prospective employees.

For anyone who interviews prospective job candidates, whether as a recruiter in HRM or in any other capacity, there are several suggestions we can offer for improving the effectiveness of interviews.

  1. Job Knowledge
  2. Adequate background information about the applicant
  3. Schedule interviews to have enough time
  4. Holding an interview in private
  5. Putting an applicant at ease
  6. Listening to the applicant
  7. Adjusting the level of the language to the ability of the respondent
  8. Keeping control of the interview
  9. Beware of one’s own prejudices
  10. Avoiding any suggestion of discrimination
  11. Closing the interview
  12. Recording the facts and observations

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Qualities of a good interviewer

Briefly, it may be said that the following are the qualities of a good interviewer:

  1. a) Interest in the applicant, as an interviewer without interest, will not listen to the applicant;
  2. b) Alertness, so that the interviewer can pick up the relevant phrases used by the applicant which he should ask the applicant to example further to be sure of the information secured at the interview;
  3. c) Patience, as the interviewer, must allow the interviewee time to think before answering questions posed by the interviewer;
  4. d) Deliberation, that is, withholding evaluation of the applicant until all the information has been secured and understood; and
  5. e) Concentration, as the interviewer is required to listen not merely to the facts but to the main ideas emanating from the interview.