JUST Admission Result 2018-19 will be found this website. Jessore Science and Technology University 2017-18 Admission test held on 9 to 10 November 2018. Jessore Science and Technology University has been published undergraduate online admission test 2018-19. The University of Jessore Science and Technology already announced admission test start 9th November to 10th November 2018.
Jessore Science and Technology University Admission Result 2018-19 will be published University official website. Admit card, exam date, result, admission circular news update in this website. Students get a chance to take admission according to merit. All public University of Bangladesh Admission Result 2018-19 update here due time. JUST Admission Result 2018-19.
Download JUST Admission Result All Units 2018-19
JUST Admission Result 2018-19
Download JUST Admission Notice 2018-19
Online apply Start: September 20, 2018
Online apply Close: October 19, 2018
Admission Test Date: 9 & 10-November-2018
Time: A-Unit: 9th November 2018, 9:30-11.00 AM
Time: B-Unit: 9th November 2018, 12:30-2.00 PM
Time: C-Unit: 9th November 2018, 3:30-5.00 PM
Time: E-Unit: 10th November 2018, 9:30-10.30 AM
Time: D-Unit: 10th November 2018, 11:00-12.30 PM
Time: F-Unit: 10th November 2018, 3:30-5.00 PM
Primary Information:
Establishment: 25 January 2007
Area: 35 Acre (14.17 ha)
Location: Shadhinota Shorok (Independence Road), Jessore-7408, Bangladesh
Faculty: 04
Department: 12
Residential Hall: 02
Science: B.Sc. & M.Sc.
Engineering: B.Sc. & M.Sc/M.Engg.
Faculty Members: 70
Note: Any change (if any) regarding the admission test will be notified through JUST website and other media.
JUST Admission Result 2018-19
Welcome to the official website Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST) http://just.edu.bd/just/. The JUST is one of the most recent government-financed public universities for higher studies in Bangladesh. This is the fourth public university in Khulna Division and the first public university in Jessore district.
Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST) was established in 2007. About 440 undergraduate students are being admitted each year in twelve departments under four faculties. Jessore Science and Technology University Admission Result 2018-19 held on 9th November to 10th November 2018. JUST Admission Result 2018-19.
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