PSC Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019 has been found my website. PSC Exam and Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019 have been published the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE). This year PSC Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Madrasa (Ebtedayee) exam will be held on 17th November 2019 (Sunday) and continue up to 24th November 2019. PSC/Primary school certificate examination is also known as prathomik shikkha somaponi porihkkha. In Madrasa education board it is known as Ebtedayee examination.
Primary School Certificate (PSC) are entitle total Six (6) subjects like as English, Bangla, Bangladeshi and Bishwo Porichay, Primary Science, Religion & Moral Education and Mathematics.
On the other hands Ebtedayee also total Six (6) subjects like as English, Bangla, Bangladeshi and Bishwo Porichay and Science, Arabi, Quran and Taj be and Aqaid & Fiqah, and Mathematics.
■ PSC abd Ebedayee Exam Schedule: November 17 to 24, 2019
■ Time: 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
■ Duration: 2.30 minutes
PSC Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019
PSC Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019
PSC and Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019 related all information is available my website. Every year Directorate of Primary Education-DPE controls PSC Exam and Ebtedayee Exam which is under Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. Previous years PSC and Ebedayee exam will be started at 10:30 am and completed on 1:00 pm. Total duration of the exam is two and half hours. PSC Result 2019 will be published on 30th December 2019. PSC Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019.
PSC exam is generally familiar as “Prathomik Somaponi Porikkha”. After completing 5th-grade education, students are eligible for this nationwide central exam in Bangladesh accordingly.
Primary School Certificate (PSC) are entitled total Six (6) subjects like as English, Bangla, Bangladeshi and Bishow Porichay, Primary Science, Religion & Moral Education and Mathematics.
On the other hands, Ebtedayee also total Six (6) subjects like as English, Bangla, Bangladesh, and Bishow Porichay and Science, Arabi, Mathematics, Quran Majid and Tamjid and Aqaid & Fiqah
PSC Scholarship Result 2019
PSC and Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019 related all information is available my website. Every year Directorate of Primary Education-DPE controls PSC Exam and Ebtedayee Exam which is under Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. Previous years PSC and Ebedayee exam will be started at 10:30 am and completed at 1:00 pm. The total duration of the exam is two and a half hours. PSC Result 2019 will be published on 30th December 2019.
This year over the 31 lakhs of candidates will appear for the PSC Exam or Prathomik Shikkha Somaponi Porihkkha. Hello PSC Exam Candidates, welcome to PSC Exam 2019, this is the first Public Examination in Bangladesh. Primary Exam 2019 is conducted by the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. The Full Meaning of PSC is the Primary School Certificate. The Primary Education powered and controlled by the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE).
If you are more information about PSC Exam then you must follow this site. PSC Guardians of a PSC Examiner or an Examine, You are Eligible to know the all necessary info from here. Please allow us some of your Valuable time and Read the full object to find out more about the PSC Result 2018 from the official website of Directorate of Primary Education.
According to the Primary School Certificate Result 2019, the Examine can know the details about the Result Publish date and all necessary info about the Primary School Certificate Exam. Every year the PSC Result publishes on 30th December 2019. So, don’t think again about the Result Publish date of the Primary School Certificate. The Exam will start on the 17th November 2019 and continue till the 24th of November 2019. One month enough for published the PSC Result 2019. Primary Exam Result 2019 DPE.GOV.BD will be published 30th December 2019.
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education and the Directorate of Primary Education already announce publishing the Primary School Certificate Exam Result 2019 on 30th December 2019. We will inform you instantly by adding all info in here. So join us on Facebook to get the all Education result and education related update information.
Primary Scholarship will be given to 82 thousand and 500 students. 33 thousand students will get Primary Scholarship in talent pool grade on the other hand 49 thousand and 500 students will get Primary Scholarship in general grade. talent pool and general grade scholarship students will get 300 and 225 taka per month respectively. PSC Scholarship Result 2019 will be published in the month of March 2019. PSC Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2019
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